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  • CR Exterior
  • DSC09418-2 (002)[28]
  • Warren Beach Aerial- Purchased
  • Galley Head - Permission by Adrienn
  • Warren Beach Celtic Ross
  • Celtic Ross Hotel Area
  • Untitled design (21)

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Green Weddings @ The Celtic Ross Hotel

Green Weddings @ The Celtic Ross Hotel

| weddings

Eva Blackwell – Our Wedding Manager at the Celtic Ross Hotel is passionate about all thing’s weddings and the footprint which we leave behind. She has decided to take part in the West Cork “Waste Not, Want Not” initiative which is run by @voiceireland. This coincides with the ethos which the Celtic Ross has held for the past number of years of - farm to fork produce and to reduce food waste.


What is the Green Wedding:

The Green Wedding package is all about taking decisive actions to minimize food waste and the wider footprint of weddings, offering a responsible choice for couples planning their special day. It addresses sustainability issues head-on by rethinking all the stages involved in creating magical events. This package includes core features that all venues will be offering:


·       Seasonal and Local Cuisine: Sourced from local producers whenever possible and offer the chef’s choice to ensure seasonality.

·       Vegetarian option as a main alongside meat and/or fish.

·       Thoughtful strategies around portions and serving systems to reduce food waste

·       Local flowers provided


Yet that is not all that Green Weddings have to offer. If the initiative was first driven by the fight against food waste, each venue is exploring additional ways to go further and treat the issue more holistically.

Each of the 5 venues proposes special features to reinforce their commitment to sustainability. These unique services include green energy sources, pre-ordering, home-grown produce, and green wedding favours.


This conscious wedding offering is about making good choices, not about sacrifices.

Your big day with a small footprint

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